Taking My Writing Seriously

I was going to write a post about all my reading and writing goals for the new year. I was going to muse about all the books I did (and didn’t) read last year, and how this year I’m going to read more. I was going to write about all the writing goals that I didn’t hit last year, and all the writing successes that I had. And I might still do that soon.

I’m still working through my goals and resolutions for this year, and reflecting on everything that happened in 2014. But one thing that I’m certain of is that this year, I want to take my writing seriously.

I’m still working out the details of daily word count goals and when I want to have draft one or draft two finished. All of that is important, but if I don’t resolve to actually take my writing seriously, then word count doesn’t matter, and I probably won’t stick to my goals anyway.

A mindset, the why behind a goal or an action, is the most important part. So I have to decide for myself that if I want to see any of my lofty writing dreams come true, I need to know why I want them to come true. If I want to be taken seriously as a writer, then I need to take myself seriously as a writer.

My life is busy – just like everybody else’s. I work multiple jobs, I like to spend at least a little time here and there with my friends, I like to kick back and veg in front of a movie. But if I continue to treat my writing as a frivolous hobby and not an intentional habit, then nothing serious will ever come of it.

This year I resolve to put a high priority on my writing, and take myself seriously as a writer.

What do you want to take more seriously about yourself this year?

5 thoughts on “Taking My Writing Seriously

  1. That’s a great goal. 🙂 If you ever have anything you want to send my way, don’t hesitate to ask.

    This year I’m working on tying up loose ends and editing the projects I’ve finished writing. I feel like I’m in the middle of a lot of things, and I want to tidy them up and get them done so I can focus on something else.


    • I appreciate the feedback on the little bit that I did send you last year. Hopefully soon I’ll be asking you for some feedback. 🙂 And tying up loose ends – that’s a big one for me right now, too. I’m feeling behind on some of my projects, and I want to get them done.


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