Deeper Meanings in Fantasy Stories

Finding a deeper meaning in a sci-fi adventure or a magical fairy tale is often easy, or even obvious – and that’s not a bad thing. There’s much we can learn about real life from these tales of complete fiction. 

Fantasy classics like Lord of the Rings and The Chronicles of Narnia teach us about friendship, loyalty, honorable sacrifice, and the power of love. Science fiction classics like Brave New World and The Difference Engine teach us the truth about human nature, for good or ill, and the dangers of a corrupt society. 

I want to highlight three of my favorite fantasy stories that also can teach us deeper wisdom beyond just their surface storyline. These books may not often be held up alongside Brave New World or the Narnia books as stories that we can truly learn from, but I think they fit that description. Here are my take-aways from three fantasy stories that are much more than they appear: 

The Historian

It’s a book about Dracula. But really, it’s a book about the importance of history, and how the past affects and impacts the present in both positive and negative ways. It’s about remembering the past while still moving towards the future. It’s about family, with all the bad and the good that family history entails. Read my review on GoodReads.

The Starlight Barking

The sequel to The Hundred and One Dalmatians, featuring Pongo and all our favorite dogs from the classic story. But really, it’s a book about the potential of the mind, a deep dive into what might be possible if we were not burdened by the mundane activities of everyday living. It’s also a treatise on the idea that we need struggles to overcome, no matter how mundane or everyday, in order for the happiness of our lives to truly have meaning. It’s about loyalty and love. Read my review on GoodReads.

Glinda of Oz

A zany adventure in the magical land of Oz. But really, it’s a book about overcoming your personal challenges and weaknesses. It’s about doing the right thing even when you don’t feel like it or after you’ve made mistakes. It’s about choosing the honorable path no matter what. Read my review on GoodReads.

What are some of your favorite fantasy or sci-fi books that have deeper meanings or life lessons? Please share!

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