You are the Narrator of Your Own Life

What is a narrator? A narrator is someone who tells a story.

In literary terms, a narrator can be “I” – called first person point of view. To borrow the first line from a classic Gothic romance novel, an example of first person narration would be “Last night I dreamt I went to Manderly again.” (from Rebecca, by Daphne Du Maurier)

A third person point of view narrator is someone else telling the story. This is either a character written as he/she/they (not “I”), or an outside onlooker relating the tale (as when a story begins with something like “Listen, dear reader, and you shall hear a tale…” Continue reading

Inspiration for the Week: Music to Write By – Color the Sky #MondayMotivation

This week I’m sharing a short but inspiring piece of instrumental music that I hope inspires you as much as it inspires me. If you’re writing, creating art of any kind, or just beginning another week at your day job, let this music take you away!

Let me know how this music inspires you this week!

Inspiration for the Week: Music to Write By – Defying Gravity #MondayMotivation

In 2016, this song from the musical Wicked was sort of my personal theme song for the year. Every time I listened to it, this song helped motivate me to dream bigger and reach for something greater. May it do the same for you!

Let me know how this music inspires you this week!